Dr. Tikle Hagos
Dr. Tikle Hagos currently specializes in neurology at ICMC General Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Based on a profound knowledge of the human nervous system, Dr. Hagos can effectively diagnose and treat various neurological ailments and diseases, such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, together with stroke. Concern for patients is evident in his logic and efficiency in evaluating disease and choosing the most effective therapy, utilizing appropriate innovative equipment and clinically proven techniques to maximize patient outcomes. Dr. Hagos is a friendly physician who always attends to each patient and develops individualized treatment plans.
At ICMC General Hospital, Dr. Hagos collaborates with other healthcare practitioners to ensure that he delivers quality healthcare services to patients with diseases affecting the nervous system. He not only practices clinical care but also engages in research activities and clinical trials to develop a specialty in neurology. The passion that Dr. Hagos has for his craft and the people he helps has helped him rise to the rank of a professional in the medical field,hence making the hospital increasingly popular for neurological solutions.