Dr. Amanuel Amare
Dr. Amanuel Amare is a neurologist in Addis Ababa. He works as a consultant neurologist at Addis Hiwot General Hospital in Bole. Besides, he is also associated with the Department of Neurology at Addis Ababa University. Dr. Amare specializes in minimally invasive brain and spinal surgeries. He has over 12 years of experience diagnosing and helping people manage complex neurological conditions. As a senior consultant at Addis Hiwot Hospital, he regularly sees patients dealing with constant headaches, epilepsy, stroke, and movement disorders.
Dr Amare completed his medical studies at Addis Ababa University. He did his neurosurgery specialty training at Tikur Anbessa Hospital. During this time, Dr. Amare gained significant exposure to interventional treatments. In the past decade, he has assisted many patients in successfully managing complex neurological issues. His study on the case fatality of adult tetanus at Jimma University Teaching Hospital was published in the African Health Sciences Journal and widely acknowledged by his peers. Dr. Amare passionately works to resolve the concerns of neurological patients. His dedication and enthusiasm make him distinct in his field.