Radiation Therapy in Ethiopia – Find Cost, Best Hospitals, and Success
Radiation Therapy in Ethiopia is also available as Clinical radiation therapy. This is a radiation treatment for various cancer diseases and tumors. The radiation works on damaging the active cancer cells and prevents further cancer growth. Radiation therapy is recommended in the early stage of cancer before it can spread to the next stage. The main purpose of clinical radiation is to shrink tumors before, surgery, prevent the reoccurrence of cancer, relieve symptoms of pain, bleeding, or pressure, and treat cancers. Ethiopia presently offers the latest technologies, and machines for tests and diagnosis for early cancer detection and saving lives. Although advanced treatment is challenging to fulfill every patient’s need on time, there are waiting times due to limited facilities. If a patient’s condition is at an advanced stage, patients are recommended to seek treatment overseas, especially in India. Several Ethiopian Radiation therapists collaborate with international hospitals and doctors to get on-time treatment for patients and deal with complex conditions of cancer diseases.
በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለው ምርጥ ሆስፒታል በጨረር ሕክምና ላይ የተካኑ እና ልምድ ያላቸው የክሊኒካል ጨረር ቴራፒስቶች አሉት። በምርመራ እና ለአንድ የተወሰነ የካንሰር አይነት በጣም ተስማሚ የሆነውን የጨረር ህክምና እና መጠንን በመምረጥ ረገድ ባለሙያዎች ናቸው. የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት የህክምና ስርአቱን በማስፋፋት አዲስ አበባ፣ ሀዋሳ፣ ጎንደር፣ መቀሌ እና ሀረርን ጨምሮ 5 አዳዲስ የራዲዮቴራፒ ማዕከላትን በተለያዩ ቦታዎች አቋቁሟል። በአዲስ አበባ እና በሌሎች አካባቢዎች ከፍተኛ የካንሰር ማእከል ለጡት ካንሰር፣ ለፕሮስቴት ካንሰር፣ ለሳንባ ካንሰር፣ ለታይሮይድ ካንሰር፣ ለጣፊያ ካንሰር እና ለማህፀን በር ካንሰር ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የጨረር ህክምና ተደራሽነትን ይሰጣል። የጨረር ቴራፒስት ከሌሎች ልዩ እና ልዩ ዶክተሮች ጋር በመተባበር ለእያንዳንዱ ታካሚ በጣም ጥሩውን ተስማሚ ህክምና ማቀድ ያረጋግጣል.