Dr. Alemu Negera
Dr. Alemu Negera is a medical practitioner specializing in general surgery. He currently practices at Myung Sung Christian Medical Hospital (MCM Hospital) in Addis Ababa and ICMC General Hospital. Dr. Negera is one of the prominent specialists in the Department of Surgery at MCM Hospital. He has over ten years of experience in his domain and is an expert in various kinds of procedures. Dr. Negera is majorly known for his laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic surgery, and fistula treatment through surgery. So far, he has performed thousands of successful surgeries and helped alleviate a myriad of complex conditions.
Having acquired his MBBS and M.D degrees and practicing skills in Addis Ababa, Dr. Negera always felt a deep connect with people in his homeland. Although he could have a rewarding career abroad, he chose to stay in Ethiopia and serve fellow citizens. Patients love the way he co-operates with them and feel amazed by the breadth of his knowledge. You can seek a consultation with him throughout the week.