Dr. Deme Assefa
Dr. Deme Assefa is a general practitioner in Addis Ababa. He practices as a medical doctor at Landmark General Hospital. Dr. Assefa has several years of experience diagnosing and managing common to complex health conditions like viral fever, allergies, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis. He also offers preventative healthcare counseling to patients. People also visit him frequently for general health checkups and screenings.
Dr. Assefa’s educational qualifications include an MBBS and MD from Haramaya University in Oromia, Ethiopia. While pursuing his MBBS and residency training, he received hands-on training and exposure to treating patients on an emergency and ongoing basis. Dr. Assefa joined Landmark in March 2019 and has been integral in attending to patients with a wide variety of health problems since then. His consultation and subsequent treatment processes have made patients experience speedy recovery.