Dr. Seraw Girum
Dr. Seraw Girum is a medical practitioner specializing as an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) doctor in Addis Ababa. He works at the Department of ENT at Tikur Anbessa Hospital (Addis Ababa University). Dr. Girum is also associated with Addis Hiwot General Hospital as a visiting ENT consultant. He is a well-known ear, nose, throat, head, and neck specialist with over nine years of experience and a demonstrated record of performing successful otology, rhinology, and surgical procedures.
Dr. Seraw Girum has a rich academic background, having graduated and specialized as an otorhinolaryngologist. His clinical experience is interspersed with research work on sleep disorders and head and neck cancers, which he undertook at Tinkur Anessa Hospital. Dr. Girum’s studies have been published in leading medical journals, such as BMC Pediatrics and BMC Cancer. He also has a special interest in Endoscopic sinus surgery and has helped many people dealing with nasal congestion and breathing issues. Patients love his kind and approachable nature and feel satisfied with his treatments.