Dr. Tilahun Solomon
Dr. Tilahun Solomon is a medical practitioner in Addis Ababa. He specializes as an Ear, Nose, and throat Surgeon (ENT) and works in the ENT department of Addis Hiwot General Hospital. He has over ten years of experience in the field and is skilled in providing comprehensive diagnostic tests and treatments for all diseases involving the ear, nose, or throat. Dr. Tilahun has been helping people with procedures like eardrum repair, minimally invasive head and neck surgeries, thyroid surgeries, and salivary gland tumors for the past decade. His treatment approaches combine his deep expertise and genuine willingness to improve patients’ lives with quality care.
Dr. Solomon has a rich academic background, which underscores his current position. He completed his medical studies in Addis Ababa and acquired an MS in ENT. Dr. Tilahun earned a specialty certificate in ENT after completing a four-year training period in this domain. Before working at Addis Hiwot, he worked as an otorhinolaryngologist on a voluntary basis at an NGO. His consistent efforts to treat and manage common ENT conditions in children and adults in Ethiopia have been widely acknowledged by the medical community.